Social Media | DMG Dream Center

The world seemed to have stood still in March 2020 when Covid-19 was declared an international pandemic. Nearly four years later, how are we still seeing the ramifications of the disease? During the weeks quarantined at home, people were trying to find outlets to connect and engage with others, the easiest solution for this being through social media. During this blog, we will be discussing three ways COVID-19 affected the digital realm. To get a more in-depth study, be sure to attend the Collaboration Gathering with Cindy Nañez**.**


Consumption of Social Media Increased

According to Statista, social media users increased by 11% between 2019 and 2021 with a 5% rise just in 2020. This spike reflects people seeking connection and entertainment during lockdown restrictions. Videos, in particular, grew rapidly. In 2020 alone, the percentage of minutes spent watching videos increased by 80%. Overall social media usage saw a significant jump, with estimates suggesting a global increase of 11% between 2019 and 2021. The average time spent on social media also increased, with studies showing daily usage in the US rising to 65 minutes in 2020, compared to 54-56 minutes before the pandemic.


Content focus shifted

Since the pandemic, content created on social platforms has adapted. The rise of authenticity has been a steady trend. Polished, curated content gave way to more relatable and “real” posts reflecting everyday life and struggles. Users craved authenticity and connection over perfection. Video consumption soared, with platforms like TikTok experiencing explosive growth. Short-form, engaging video content became the preferred format for information and entertainment. Content is now more focused on well-being. Positive and uplifting content gained traction, with topics like body positivity, mental health awareness, and self-care resonating with users seeking solace and support.


The Rise of Social Learning

The pandemic certainly accelerated the adoption of social learning, but its roots go deeper. Social learning refers to the process of acquiring knowledge and skills through interaction with others. It’s based on the principle that people learn effectively by observing, imitating, and collaborating with others. This can happen through online communities, forums, discussion boards, social media groups, sharing experiences, tutorials, and insights through blog posts, videos, and other online formats.

The impact of COVID-19 on social media is undeniable. Increased use, shifting content trends, and the rise of social learning are just some of the lasting changes we see today. While the pandemic brought challenges, it also highlighted the power of social media as a tool for connection, information, and even learning. As we move forward, understanding these changes can help us leverage social media for more positive and meaningful online experiences. To delve deeper into these topics and discover actionable strategies, join us at the upcoming Collaboration Gathering with Cindy Nañez!